Student Support

The Institution is a large and lively community of staff and students from many different cultural and educational backgrounds. Adapting to a new campus culture can at times be confusing. There are many people who will be happy to help if you have questions or encounter difficulties.

Every student, undergraduate or postgraduate, has a class administrator. The class administrator is allocated to help and advice students on all aspects of life at this institution.

It is hoped that students will become well acquainted, and come to regard him or her as a person with whom you can discuss difficulties at any time. The Class Administrators deals with the following principles:

  • To provide advice on and support for academic progress
  • To support personal development and acquisition of academic and co-curricular skills
  • To provide general guidance to deal with ttext books and subject teachers (if required).
  • To motivate the students to avail Library, Sports and Internet Facilities for mental well-being
  • To make the students aware of leadership, success, nutrition, choice of profession, career development etc.
  • To train the students about fire mishap, tree plantation, and tech education on every Thursday.
  • To provide students a psychological counselling tagging with a professional psychologist (if required)