Faculties and Staffs

Brigadier General Al Faroque Siddiquee, BSP, ndu, afwc, psc, MPhil

Professor Dr. Fahmida Chowdhury
Vice Principal

The institution has three faculties of Science, Humanities, and Business studies under the supervision of three separate Course Co-ordinators.

The faculty of Science has Six departments

  • Department of Physics
  • Department of Chemistry
  • Department of Biology
  • Department of Mathematics
  • Department of ICT
  • Department of Engineering and Drawing

 Faculty of Arts Humanities 8 Departments

       Department of English

       Department of Bangla

       Department of Economics

       Department of Islamic History & Culture

       Department of Psychology

       Department of Political Science

       Department of Geography

       Department of Islamic studies

Faculty of Commerce has 7 Departments

       Department of BBA

       Department of Management

       Department of Marketing

       Department of Accounting

       Department of Statistics

       Department of Finance Banking and Insurance

Department of Agricultural Studies.